
Gaza en crise: plus de 1 million de personnes menacées de mort et de famine.

6 juin 2024 à 15 h


G.A.Z.A: Plus d’un million de personnes devraient être confrontées à la mort et à la...

G.A.Z.A: Plus d’un million de personnes devraient être confrontées à la mort et à la...

Selon l’ONU, une enquête alimentaire a révélé que 85 % des enfants n’avaient pas mangé pendant une journée entière au moins une fois au cours des trois jours précédant l’enquête, et que la diversité alimentaire s’était aggravée dans la bande de Gaz

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Liban – Hezbollah : Une puissance militaire en pleine expansion

Liban – Hezbollah : Une puissance militaire en pleine expansion

Hezbollah, l’organisation paramilitaire chiite libanaise, dispose de capacités humaines et militaires significatives, accumulées depuis les années 1980. Sa puissance repose sur un vaste arsenal comprenant entre 2000 et 2500 drones de différents typ

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Death toll in UNRWA school attack reported at 39

Death toll in UNRWA school attack reported at 39

The Gazan Health Ministry stated on Thursday that the death toll in Israel’s attack on the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) school in the refugee camp of Nuseirat rose to 39. The department initi

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سلوفينيا تعترف رسميا بدولة فلسطين

سلوفينيا تعترف رسميا بدولة فلسطين

أقر برلمان سلوفينيا بغالبية الأصوات، أمس الثلاثاء، نصا يعترف بدولة فلسطين، وذلك بعد أيام من اعتراف الحكومة. وصادق البرلمان على نص يعترف بفلسطين بعدما قرر الائتلاف الحاكم المضي قدما بالتصويت ورد التماس للمعارضة بإرجائه. وكان رئيس وزراء سلوفينيا روبرت

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UN: Over 1M people in Gaza to face ‘death, starvation’ by mid-July

UN: Over 1M people in Gaza to face ‘death, starvation’ by mid-July

More than one million people in the Gaza Strip, half the population of the enclave, “are expected to face death and starvation” by mid-July, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization said on Wednesday in its latest Hunger Hotspots report.

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Japan-Nagasaki excludes ‘Israel’ from peace ceremony over war on Gaza

Japan-Nagasaki excludes ‘Israel’ from peace ceremony over war on Gaza

Dozens of countries have been invited to attend the August 9 event in Japan on the anniversary of the US nuclear attack in 1945 on Hiroshima and Nagasaki – but “Israel” was not one of them as of now. Nagasaki’s mayor Shiro Suzuki told journalists on

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Gaza death toll reaches 36,586

Gaza death toll reaches 36,586

The total number of Palestinians killed in the Gaza Strip since the start of the war has reached 36,586, the Gazan Health Ministry said in its latest report on Wednesday. According to the ministry’s estimates, 83,074 people have been injured in the

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US House passes Republican bill to sanction ICCover Israel

US House passes Republican bill to sanction ICCover Israel

The United States House of Representatives passed a Republican-led bill to impose sanctions on the International Criminal Court (ICC). The move follows the ICC prosecutor’s recommendation to charge Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defen

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